OpenStack and the Future of Cloud Computing with John Purrier

“Why do we need any open source versions of proprietary implementations? I would argue that first of all, it’s just good for industry and the ecosystem.” Cloud service providers
Microservices, Distributed Teams, and Conferences with Juan Pablo Buriticá

“With any system, whether it’s an organization or a biological system, or an information system, communication is always going to be a challenge. And how pieces of the system
Robots in the Warehouse with Akash Gupta

“Our major teams are lead by two people which include one person who’s very strong in their own field, and then there’s a person who has a very good understanding of the
DevOps at TopTal with Demir Selmanovic

“Whenever you create more communication lines by separating concerns – and you definitely do that between developers – you’re adding more complexity.” DevOps has been the
Developer Analytics with Calvin French-Owen

“Its sort of like the old joke in computer science – what do you do when you have a problem? Well, add a layer of abstraction.” Today’s guest is Calvin French-Owen, the CTO of