SE Daily
Store2Vec: DoorDash Recommendations with Mitchell Koch

DoorDash is a food delivery company where users find restaurants to order from. When a user opens the DoorDash app, the user can search for types of food or specific restaurants from the
Policy Enforcement with Shimon Tolts

The nature of software projects is changing. Projects are using a wider variety of cloud providers and SaaS tools. Projects are being broken up into more git repositories, and the code
Ethsimple: Ethereum Tools with Brian Soule

Ethereum allows developers to run decentralized applications. But the tooling for building and managing those decentralized applications is immature. Experienced software engineers have
Kubernetes Security with Liz Rice

A Kubernetes cluster presents multiple potential attack surfaces: the cluster itself, a node running on the cluster, a pod running in the node, a container running in a pod. If you are
Replicated: On-Prem Deployments with Grant Miller

Cloud computing has been popular for less than twenty years. Large software companies have existed for much longer. If your company was started before the cloud became popular, you