Modular Blockchain Architecture with Nader Dabit

Web infrastructure has evolved from individual servers to shared hosting services to virtual machines and virtual functions. The future of the internet however is looking toward a much
Gitcoin Ecosystem with Gloria Kimbwala

Most technology companies rely on open source software projects. But open source software projects are often maintained by a group of people that is not affiliated with any particular
Coinrule Automated Crypto Trading with Zdenek Hofler

Between hyper financialisation and the growth of automation in the world, trade and investments have become an ever more prevalent and important tool for the mass market. But the
Protocol Labs Research with Jeromy Johnson

Breakthroughs from labs that are exclusively or mostly focused on research tend to stay buried as papers. Sometimes the lag is natural, the research is far ahead of its broad
Building for Crypto with Lewis Tuff

As crypto gains worldwide attention, the most scalable, resilient and performant systems are required for the industry to thrive. Products must be designed for a mix of technical and