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The 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey with Erin Yepis and Ryan Polk

The Stack Overflow Developer Survey is an annual survey conducted by Stack Overflow that gathers comprehensive insights from developers around the world. It offers a valuable snapshot of

Container Security with Matt Moore

Software supply chain attacks exploit interdependencies within software ecosystems. Security in the supply chain is a growing issue, and is particularly important for companies that rely

Google Maps Platform Javascript API with Matt Toon

The Google Maps Platform JavaScript API is a fundamental web technology that’s used to build dynamic and interactive map features in web apps. Matt Toon is a Solutions Engineering

AI Pipelines with Maxime Armstrong and Yuhan Luo

LLMs are becoming more mature and accessible, and many teams are now integrating them into common business practices such as technical support bots, online real-time help, and other

Data Management at Capital One with Jim Lebonitte

Data is at the center of many business decisions and advances today, including AI-driven capabilities. This requires companies to have well-governed data that is easy for users to find,