Modern Front End: React, GraphQL, VR, WebAssembly with Adam Conrad (Repeat)

Originally published December 20, 2018 Ten years ago, there was a distinction between “backend” and “frontend” developers. A backend developer would be managing the business
WebAssembly with Brendan Eich (Repeat)

Originally published March 31, 2017 Brendan Eich created the first version of JavaScript in 10 days. Since then JavaScript has evolved, and Brendan has watched the growth of the web give
React Native at Airbnb with Gabriel Peal Holiday Repeat

Originally published July 27, 2018 React Native allows developers to reuse frontend code between mobile platforms. A user interface component written in React Native can be used in both
OpenBase: JavaScript Package Selection with Lior Grossman

The JavaScript ecosystem has millions of packages. How do you choose from those packages to find the best in breed for your projects? OpenBase is a system for searching and discovering
Retool with David Hsu

Internal tools are often built with Ruby on Rails or NodeJS. Developers create entire full-fledged applications in order to suit simple needs such as database lookups, dashboarding, and