IPFS Design with David Dias

The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a decentralized global, peer-to-peer file system. IPFS combines ideas from BitTorrent, Git, and Bitcoin, creating a new way to store and access
Ethereum Governance with Hudson Jameson

The Ethereum community started as a small group of dedicated engineers. It has ballooned to thousands of engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors, all of whom have a stake in the
PubSub Infrastructure with Stephen Blum

The pubsub pattern allows a developer to create channels, which messages can be written to and read from. Pubsub messaging is useful for multicast messaging–when you want to
Gitcoin: Open Source Bounties with Kevin Owocki

Most technology companies rely on open source software projects. But open source software projects are often maintained by a group of people that is not affiliated with any particular
Zcash Design with Sean Bowe

Zcash is a payment and consensus system that allows users to transfer money to each other with strong guarantees of privacy. Zcash implements the same core features of Bitcoin, with the