Search Results for: kafka

LinkedIn Kafka with Nacho Solis

Apache Kafka was created at LinkedIn. Kafka was open sourced in 2011, when the company was eight years old. By that time, LinkedIn had developed a social network with millions of users.

Kafka Data Pipelines with Robin Moffatt

A new software product usually starts with a single database. That database manages the tables for user accounts and basic transactions. When a product becomes popular, the database

Kafka Applications with Tim Berglund

Ever since Apache Kafka was open sourced from LinkedIn, it has been used to solve a wide variety of problems in distributed systems and data engineering. Kafka is a distributed messaging

Meet Apache Kafka

Kafka has become a central tool for data at many large organizations. At data-intensive companies like Fiverr and Netflix, Kafka is used simultaneously as: a database a queue for ordered

Kafka Design Patterns with Gwen Shapira

Kafka is at the center of modern streaming systems. Kafka serves as a database, a pubsub system, a buffer, and a data recovery tool. It’s an extremely flexible tool, and that