Search Results for: service mesh

China Scale: the New Sandbox to Battle-Test Innovative Technology

My 87-year old grandmother lives in a senior home located in the suburb of Shenyang, an industrial sprawl in the Northeastern region of China. She’s tech savvy. She uses three apps to

Scaling HashiCorp with Armon Dadgar and Mitchell Hashimoto

HashiCorp was founded seven years ago with the goal of building infrastructure tools for automating cloud workflows such as provisioning, secret management, and service discovery.

Kubernetes in China with Dan Kohn

Chinese Internet companies operate at a massive scale. WeChat has over a billion users and is widely used as the primary means of payment by urban Chinese consumers. Alibaba ships 12

re:Invent in Review: Adrian Cockcroft, Abby Fuller, and Deepak Singh Discuss AWS

At AWS re:Invent, the Software Engineering Daily team spoke with AWS technologists: Adrian Cockcroft, VP of Cloud Architecture Strategy Deepak Singh, Director of Compute Services Abby

Kong API Platform with Marco Palladino

When a user makes a request to product like The New York Times, that request hits an API gateway. An API gateway is the entry point for an external request. An API gateway serves several