Search Results for: linkerd

re:Invent in Review: Adrian Cockcroft, Abby Fuller, and Deepak Singh Discuss AWS

At AWS re:Invent, the Software Engineering Daily team spoke with AWS technologists: Adrian Cockcroft, VP of Cloud Architecture Strategy Deepak Singh, Director of Compute Services Abby

The State of Digital Banking

The biggest banks in the world exist for tens and hundreds of years. They were started well before “software took over the world”. They specialize in banking, and not

Rust Networking with Carl Lerche

Rust is a systems programming language with a distinct set of features for safety and concurrency. In previous shows about Rust, we explored how Rust can prevent crashes and eliminate

Service Mesh Design with Oliver Gould

Oliver Gould worked at Twitter from 2010 to 2014. Twitter’s popularity was taking off, and the engineering team was learning how to scale the product. During that time, Twitter adopted

Service Mesh with William Morgan

Containers make it easier for engineers to deploy software. Orchestration systems like Kubernetes make it easier to manage and scale the different containers that contain services. The