Greatest Hits
Airbnb Engineering with Surabhi Gupta

Airbnb began in 2008 as a monolithic Rails application serving the simple purpose of listing homes for rental. Over time, the number of listings increased dramatically, as did the number
Prisma: GraphQL Infrastructure with Soren Bramer Schmidt

GraphQL allows developers to communicate with all of their different data backends through a consistent query interface. A GraphQL query can be translated into queries to MySQL, MongoDB,
Real Estate Machine Learning with Or Hiltch

Stock traders have access to high volumes of information to help them make decisions on whether to buy an asset. A trader who is considering buying a share of Google stock can find
Build Faster with Nader Dabit

Building software today is much faster than it was just a few years ago. The tools are higher level, and abstract away tasks that would have required months of development. Much of a
Self-Driving Engineering with George Hotz

In the smartphone market there are two dominant operating systems: one closed source (iPhone) and one open source (Android). The market for self-driving cars could play out the same way,