Greatest Hits
Future Architecture with Chad Fowler

Chad Fowler was the CTO of Wunderlist prior to its acquisition by Microsoft. Since the acquisition, Chad has become the general manager of developer advocacy at Microsoft. He also works
React Native at Airbnb with Gabriel Peal

React Native allows developers to reuse frontend code between mobile platforms. A user interface component written in React Native can be used in both iOS and Android codebases. Since
Future Projection with Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly’s book What’s the Future? is an overview of business, technology, and society. As the founder of O’Reilly Media, Tim has been steeped in technology trends for the
Investment Games with Brian Singerman

Investing is an infinite game. In a game, a player can formulate a strategy based on the available resources, the apparent variance of the environment, and the metagame of the other
Future of Computing with John Hennessy

Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit double about every two years. Moore’s Law is less like a “law” and more like an observation or a