Greatest Hits
Profilers with Julia Evans

When software is performing suboptimally, the programmer can use a variety of tools to diagnose problems and improve the quality of the code. A profiler is a tool for examining where a
OpenAI: Compute and Safety with Dario Amodei

Applications of artificial intelligence are permeating our everyday lives. We notice it in small ways–improvements to speech recognition; better quality products being recommended
Autonomy with Frank Chen

Self-driving, electric cars will someday outnumber traditional automobiles on the road. As transportation becomes autonomous, it is hard to imagine an industry that will not be affected
Uber’s Data Platform with Zhenxiao Luo

When a user takes a ride on Uber, the app on the user’s phone is communicating with Uber’s backend infrastructure, which is writing to a database that maintains the state of that
Voice with Rita Singh

A sample of the human voice is a rich piece of unstructured data. Voice recordings can be turned into visualizations called spectrograms. Machine learning models can be trained to